Tag Archives: Roses for Relay

Roses for Relay

Two years ago in June my Dad died of bladder cancer.  It happened all at once. It wasn’t one of those long drawn out battles that some people experience. Doctors diagnosed him with cancer, gave him 6 months to live and he lived 3 1/2 more weeks.  He lived to be 84. Some people get cancer early,  some later in life. Some folks don’t smoke, don’t drink and they do all the right things to avoid cancer and still get it. Cancer is an equal opportunity killer.

Alarming Facts About Cancer!:

  • One in three people will contract cancer, and one in four will die from the disease.
  • Within five years, cancer will surpass heart disease as the leading cause of death, according to the American Hospital Association.
  • In 1994, 1.2 million new cancer cases were added to the more than eight million people in the U.S. who have already been diagnosed with cancer.
  • Since 1950, the overall cancer incidence has increased by 44 percent; the incidence of breast cancer and male colon cancer by about 60 percent; testis, prostate and kidney by 100 percent; and other cancers, such as malignant melanoma, multiple myeloma and some lymphomas, by over 100 percent.
  • Th e e stimated annual cost of cancer to the United States, excluding incalculable psychosocial costs, is $110 billion, approximately 2 percent of the GNP.
  • An estimated 80 million people have health insurance insufficient to cover the costs of a catastrophic illness such as cancer.
Relay Roses

For the past several years Knight’s Flowers have participated in the East Anderson County American Cancer Society’s Relay for Life. We’ve run a promotion that has been very successful. We call them Relay Roses. Simply put, for only $75 you get a 1/2 dozen roses each month for a full year. We donate $20 of this for to the American Cancer Society.  This year’s dealine for ordering them is June 20, 2010.

We have gotten lots of folks that say this is one of the best promotions we’ve ever run. They originally intend to keep the roses for themselves, but many times end up giving them away to someone in need or for a friend who is having a special occasions.

You can also purchase Relay Roses as a gift for a friend  or relative. They are great birthday presents!

I can’t think of a better way to help support Relay for Life and the American Cancer Society, plus you get roses every month for a whole year. All for just $75!

Download a copy of the Roses for Relay: Flower renewal sale form-2010